One whole red cabbage (shredded and soaked in cold water for at least an hour)
2 medium red onions – finely sliced
One large bramley cooking apple – peeled cored and sliced
½ tsp cinnamon powder
½ tsp ground cloves
2” fresh ginger peeled and grated
2 dessertspoons dark molasses brown sugar
2/3 cloves garlic crushed – depending on size
½ tsp ground nutmeg
2-3 oz cranberries
200g walnut halves
2 tablespoons Apple cider vinegar
One small glass of red wine
Olive oil
Salt and pepper to taste

You will need a large pan with a lid.

Soften the onion in the olive oil over a medium heat. Once the onion is softened add in the garlic and all the spices and fry gently for a further minute. Now add the apple and coat well in the spice mixture. Next add all the cabbage and stir well. Finish by adding the water, wine, vinegar, walnuts and cranberries, add a little salt and pepper and stir again until thoroughly mixed through.

Bring to the boil and simmer gently for an hour checking occasionally that it’s not burning.

This is quite a large amount but it last for several days in the fridge and tastes just as good warmed up for a quick and comforting meal. We had it with roast broccoli and mash made with purple skin sweet potatoes. It was really tasty.