Ingredients (serves 4 as a side and 2 as a main course)
Cooking Time approx 30 mins
1 mugful green lentils (or Puy lentils)
1 medium onion
2 cloves garlic
Salt and black pepper
6 – 8 medium white mushrooms (any mushrooms will work)
1 large courgette or 2 medium/small ones
A few small leaves of kale or cavolo nero (I had about 8)
Start by putting the lentils in a saucepan with at least 2 mugs of water and a little salt. Bring to the boil and then turn down to a simmer. Now finely chop an onion and crush 2 cloves of garlic, put them in a pan with the olive oil and soften them down over a medium heat. Add a little salt to stop them burning. Chop the mushrooms and add them to the pan with a little pepper. Stir gently and repeat while you are cutting the courgettes. Cut the courgette lengthways down the centre then cut into thin semi circles (2-3mm). Now add these to the pan and keep stirring regularly. Remove the stalks from the kale as they are too tough. Now chop roughly and add to the pan. Add a couple of tablespoons of water to the pan and cover. Turn the heat down. By now the lentils should be cooked. Drain them if there is water left and once the kale is tender just add them to the pan and stir all up together. Serve as a main dish or with meat or fish of your choice.