This is a fantastic seasonal dish for going into Autumn.

All these vegetables are in season now, so get some fresh from a local greengrocer or farm shop. I was lucky enough to be able to pick the leeks and Cavolo Nero straight from my sister’s garden. About as easy as it gets!


You will need a large deep pan, preferably one that won’t stick!

  • 3tbs of olive oil
  • Large pinch of salt
  • Large clove of garlic
  • 2 medium/large leeks
  • 4-6 large cavolo nero or kale leaves or the equivalent
  • 3-400g frozen or tinned peas in water
  • Ground black pepper
  • Cold water


  • Start by chopping the leeks in narrow circles, as thin as you can easily, (you can use the green parts as well if they look healthy, not just the white).
  • Put the oil in the pan and crush the garlic into the oil.
  • Add the salt and the leeks, and stir over a medium heat.
  • While the leeks are warming, chop up the cavolo nero (or strip the leaves from the kale) and chop roughly, add to the pan and stir in.
  • Now add the peas, if using tinned add them with the water from the tin, if frozen use direct from the packet.
  • Stir again.
  • You will need a covering of water in the pan, (so that the veg can simmer and steam gently over the next 15 minutes or so). Add a few grinds of black pepper, then stir it up and put the lid on.
  • Simmer over a lower heat, needs to be simmering for about 15 minutes.
  • After 10 minutes take out a little bit of cavolo nero or kale and taste, if still chewy leave for a little longer, after 15 minutes it should be done.
  • Just leave the lid on and turn the heat off and get the rest of the meal out.
kale, leeks and peas

Substitute the cavolo nero with kale if you’d prefer.

To Serve

I served this with roast sweet potatoes and roast chicken thighs with Za’atar and thyme. A very good combination!

Enjoy and let me know in the comments when you’ve tried it!